


投资人日今日会议从荷兰Veldhoven总机ASPL控股NV直播万博苹果手机客户端(ASML)将提供公司策略、性能和长期前景的最新情况万博苹果手机客户端首席执行官Peter Wennink会同首席技术官Martin van den Brink和首席财务官Roger Dassen和其他高级执行官,讨论公司增长机会和市场技术开发


  • 电子行业全球大趋势得到高盈利强创生态系统支持,预计将继续推动半导体市场增长
  • 半导体端市场增长和石刻强度提高驱动着对产品与服务的需求
  • ASML综合产品组合与客户路径对齐,提供成本效益高的解决方案支持从前端到成熟节点的所有应用
  • 基于不同的市场假设,我们有机会在2025年实现约240亿至300亿欧元之间的年度收入,2025年总差约54%至56%。
  • 我们看到2025年以后的重大增长契机并安装基地管理(服务升级销售)预测2020-2030年期间基于第三方调研和假设的年收入增长率约11%
  • ASML及其供应链伙伴正积极增加和提高能力以满足未来客户需求
  • manbet体育滚球ESG可持续性战略以已实现性能提高为基础并详细描述我们计划如何为数字可持续未来出力
  • 万博manbetx官网登录持续技术引导投资 创造了重要的股东价值
  • 我们期望继续通过增收股息和股回购组合向持股者退还大笔现金


  • 市场驱动器、策略和可持续的价值-Peter Wennink,总裁兼CEO
  • 万博manbetx官网登录技术策略-Martin vandenBrink,CTO总裁
  • EUV产品和商机-Christophe Fouquet执行副总裁EUV
  • DUV产品和商机-Ron Kool执行副总裁DUV
  • 应用产品和商机-Jim Koonmen执行副总裁商务线路应用
  • 安装基地管理-Wayne Allan执行副总裁客户服务
  • 商业模式和资本分配策略-执行副总裁兼首席财务官Roger Dassen




  • 布列特尼沃尔夫Zatezalo
  • 企业通信管理员US
  • +1408483207




万博manbetx官网登录This press release and presentations referred to herein contain statements that are forward-looking, including statements with respect to expected industry and business environment trends including expected growth, outlook and expected financial results, including expected net sales, gross margin, R&D costs, SG&A costs and effective tax rate, annual revenue opportunity for 2025, financial model for 2025 and assumptions and expected growth rates and drivers, expected growth including growth rates 2020-2025 and 2020-2030, total addressable market, growth opportunities beyond 2025 and expected annual growth rate in lithography and metrology and inspection systems and expected annual growth rate in installed base management, expected trends in addressable market up to 2030, expected trends in Logic and Memory revenue opportunities, long term growth opportunities and outlook, expected trends in demand and demand drivers, expected benefits and performance of systems and applications, semiconductor end market trends, expected growth in the semiconductor industry including expected demand growth and capital spend in coming years, expected wafer demand growth and investments in wafer capacity, expected lithography market demand and growth and spend, growth opportunities and drivers, expected trends in EUV and DUV demand, sales, outlook, roadmaps, opportunities and capacity growth and expected EUV adoption, profitability, availability, productivity and output and estimated wafer demand and improvement in value, expected trends in the applications business, expected trends in installed base management including expected revenues and target margins, expected trends and growth opportunity in the applications business, expectations with respect to high-NA, the expectation of increased output capacity, plans, strategies and strategic priorities and direction, expectation to increase capacity, output and production to meet demand, the expectation that Moore's law will continue and Moore's law evolution, product, technology and customer roadmaps, and statements and intentions with respect to capital allocation policy, dividends and share buybacks, including the intention to continue to return significant amounts of cash to shareholders through a combination of share buybacks and growing annualized dividends and statements with respect to ESG commitment, sustainability strategy, targets, initiatives and milestones.泛泛地用词识别这些语句,如mai、will、shall、project、accessi报表不是历史事实,而是基于当前对业务和未来财务结果的期望、估计、假设和预测,读者不应不适当地依赖这些预测、估计、假设和预测。前瞻报表无法保证未来性能,并涉及数大已知和未知风险和不确定性风险和不确定性无限制地包括经济条件万博manbetx官网登录product demand and semiconductor equipment industry capacity, worldwide demand and manufacturing capacity utilization for semiconductors, semiconductor end-market trends, the impact of general economic conditions on consumer confidence and demand for our customers' products, performance of our systems, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and measures taken to contain it on the global economy and financial markets, as well as on ASML and its customers and suppliers, and other factors that may impact ASML's sales and gross margin, including customer demand and ASML's ability to obtain supplies for its products, the success of R&D programs and technology advances and the pace of new product development and customer acceptance of and demand for new products, production capacity and our ability to increase capacity to meet demand, the number and timing of systems ordered, shipped and recognized in revenue, and the risk of order cancellation or push out, production capacity for our systems including the risk of delays in system production and supply chain capacity, constraints, shortages and disruptions, trends in the semi-conductor industry, our ability to enforce patents and protect intellectual property rights and the outcome of intellectual property disputes and litigation, availability of raw materials, critical manufacturing equipment and qualified employees and trends in labor markets, geopolitical factors, trade environment!manbet体育滚球进出口和国家安全条例和命令及其对我们的影响、实现可持续性目标的能力、汇税率变化、可用流动资金需求、我们为负债再融资能力、可用现金和分配储备以及影响股息支付和分享回购的其他因素、股份回购程序结果和ASPL表格20-F所列风险因素(截至2020年12月31日)中显示的其他风险以及提交美国证券交易委员会的其他文件这些前瞻声明均自本文件日期起发布。我们没有义务更新本报告日期后的任何前瞻性报表或使这些报表符合实际结果或修改期望,除非法律有此要求。