A teenager explores the world of VR with ASML at the Night of the Nerds

Kids, tech is cool

6分钟阅读 -By Kate Brunton, November 21, 2018

Society is facing an approaching global talent shortage as the job market struggles to keep up with the ever-increasing prevalence of technology. Tech companies like ASML play an important role in promoting interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) among school-aged children, the workforce of the future.

“We’re All Nerds Now,” reads a《纽约时报》文章2014年的头条新闻。“怪胎文化与主流文化之间的界限从未如此多,”他们继续说道。今天当然仍然如此,也许更是如此。被认为在社会上尴尬甚至劣等的日子已经结束。坦率地说,成为书呆子很酷。

Combatting talent shortages

Despite this shift in popular culture (and probably also because of it), tech companies are struggling to find talent. Recent研究conducted by global organizational consulting firm Korn Ferry predicts that a global talent shortage could threaten business growth around the world. Their Global Talent Crunch study estimates that technological advancement across all sectors of the economy could be hindered by an acute global labor shortage of 4.3 million TMT (technology, media, and telecommunications) workers by 2030. Interestingly, they also predict that manufacturing will also face a talent deficit crisis of 7.9 million workers globally by 2030.


在ASML的荷兰祖国,公司正在与学校和政府组织合作,以增加年轻技术专家的库,这是所谓的“ Technology PACT 2020”。万博manbetx官网登录这是一项急需的努力:马斯特里赫特大学商学院经济学学院的教育与劳动力市场研究中心(ROA)预计荷兰劳动力市场中30,000名技术人员的年份短缺(荷兰语中的链接)。

Since 2009, ASML has been actively promoting STEM among primary and secondary school children in our home country of the Netherlands, and we have recently expanded our activities to our locations in the US and Asia.

Inform and inspire

在STEM促销中,信息是关键。下面的YouTube视频中,ASML社区关系和STEM促销专家Jos Vreeker说:“年轻人需要能够就自己想学习的内容做出明智的决定。”“通常,孩子们根本不知道在技术中对他们开放的可能性,也不知道技术工作的外观。”万博manbetx官网登录



ASML首席战略官Frits Van Hout说:“技术和工业领域的工作实际上很有趣。”“我们喜欢我们的工作,我们为此感到自豪,我们喜欢与他人分享对技术的自豪感。”万博manbetx官网登录

Tech really is cool. Gone are the days of the reclusive ‘mad scientist’ – instead we see the rise of tech ‘heroes’ like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. People everywhere are looking to technology for answers to the world’s challenges.


Inquisitive minds think alike

在荷兰,一组400多名ASML员工充当“大使”,花了部分工作时间教当地学生并自愿参加活动。ASML员工喜欢与孩子一起工作,也许是因为他们有一个奇怪的心态。ASML企业传播负责人Monique Mols说:“工程师是好奇的。”“他们永远不会失去提出问题的能力。这就是为什么他们喜欢教这些好奇的孩子有关技术的原因。”万博manbetx官网登录

A teenager uses technology for crafts at ASML's annual Girls Day in Veldhoven, the Netherlands

A student learning about technology and art at our annual Girls Day in Veldhoven.

她继续说:“ ASML员工因成为生日聚会'Killjoys'而臭名昭著,因为当人们自我介绍并问他们做什么时,他们会得到很长的技术解释作为回应。教学环境为他们提供了与真正感兴趣的人分享自己的工作的机会。”

一个这样的员工大使是弗洛里安·布鲁伊斯deep ultraviolet lithography machines) at our headquarters in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. He particularly likes giving guest lectures at high schools, talking in-depth about the kind of puzzles he gets to solve at work. “I like the high-tech aspect of my job, and I think more people would like that if they knew more about what it’s like working in a company like ASML,” he says.


弗里特·范·霍特(Frits van Hout)回忆说:“我永远不会忘记在我们的一次活动中发生的一年。”“在我们的一项活动中,我们向孩子们解释了手机的陀螺仪传感器的工作方式(手机如何知道'up')。使用绳子,铝箔,电池和一些灯,您可以建立一个结构,当您翻转时光线会更改。有一个6或7岁的女孩,然后向父亲跑去,问:“爸爸,我可以解释它是如何对您起作用的吗?”我想,‘那个孩子会做到这一点。我们种了种子。我认为很高兴看到一个对某事的工作感到非常兴奋的人,他们想告诉别人。”

A child participates in an ASML STEM-related event in San Diego, California

Children participating at an ASML STEM-related event in San Diego, California.

“I think it’s wonderful to see someone who’s so excited about how something works that they want to tell others about it.”

A long-term investment


The schools are grateful for this support. “To inspire and innovate in education, I believe it’s necessary to look for opportunities that enrich education for students,” says Anne Voorn, manager at Sondervick High School in Veldhoven, the Netherlands. “Through the ASML Ambassadors program, expertise is shared and education is enhanced for our students.” The students visit the ASML campus and participate in workshops, and the teachers keep in direct contact with some of the ASML Ambassadors. ASML’s CEO Peter Wennink is also a much-appreciated guest teacher at the school.

It’s our collective responsibility to tell others about the fascinating and astonishing world of technology. As one of the world’s leading high-tech companies, we’ve assumed our part of this responsibility. We hope to motivate as many students as we can to choose tech, where the cool kids rule.


凯特·布伦顿(Kate Brunton)是ASML的高级传播专家。
  • Kate Brunton
  • 自由作家和编辑
  • Kate has a passion for storytelling and languages and enjoys writing about the human side of technology. After working in communications for three years at ASML in the Netherlands, she now freelances from the desert of Arizona.