Apply for support

How to apply for a grant for your initiative

How to request sponsorship for your initiative

We give back to communities by supporting local projects and initiatives that focus on our three community engagement areas of education, culture and local outreach.

We welcome requests to help our communities around the world. The support we offer could be financial or the provision of knowledge and services, depending on the nature of the project.

Our community engagement focus areas

We focus our sponsoring activities in the following areas.

Criteria for support

Your application needs to align with one or more of our three focus areas, withASML’s company values, and show a clear benefit to the community. Whether you know a local NGO seeking support for improved STEM education for school children or are looking for a sponsorship for an event that will help the community thrive, please submit your request in plenty of time using the form below.

Which types of projects are NOT eligible?

The following types of projects, initiatives or expenses are not eligible for sponsorship:

  • Projects that discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation, gender, religious or political affiliation

  • Projects focused on political or religious activities, disaster-related activities and humanitarian relief projects

  • Projects related to high-risk sports, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or drugs

  • Financing of budget deficits or requests related to housing (new construction, renovation, restoration, furniture or appliances) or for the benefit of an individual or family (travel, graduation, party or sporting challenge)

  • 会议,书籍和论文

  • Team kits and equipment for sports clubs

Application process

Complete ouronline application form,提供您的项目的详细信息和您要求的支持。我们的目标是在10个工作日内回应请求。

Application form